Saturday, January 15, 2011


Ex Libris is a Latin phrase, meaning literally, "from the books". It is often used to indicate ownership of a book, as in "from the books of..." or from the library of...


  1. Hello Ivana,
    Nice and pleasant surprise to find your Ex-Libris Blog with your works. Congartulations, I do like most of them. Which techniques do you use usually?
    I am looking for an artist to make me an ex libris for my books on Phaleristics (orders, decorations and medals)! Would you be interested?
    Congratulations again for your work and Blog.
    Best regards,
    J. V. de Braganza

  2. Dear Jose,
    I'm glad that you liked my blog, and my work.
    As for the techniques do almost all the techniques of woodcuts, linocuts, a little less and aquatint etching, but increasingly dry needle or computer graphics.
    Send me an email to some ex libris would you like to work for your book
    Yours sincerely,
